
650MA SSD Series Soft Shift Controller

Power Input, 650mA Output, DIN 43650 

The Soft Shift Controller introduces a current ramp permitting the soft start of proportional solenoid valves used for pressure or flow control in hydraulic circuits. When the unit is powered on, it ramps to full current output over the ramp on time period that is adjustable within a factory set range. When the power is switched off, output of the unit falls immediately to zero. It is available in an IP65 rated DIN 43650 coil mount version.


  • Cost effective alternative for soft start of proportional hydraulic circuits
  • Broad range of supply voltages (9 to 32 VDC)
  • Modern technology utilizing high-frequency switching output (PWM)
  • Current output is 650 mA or 2 A (adjustable)
  • Current sensing circuit maintains output regardless of changes in input voltage or coil resistance
  • Ramp on time (adjustable)
  • Rugged construction to withstand harsh environments
  • IP65 protection class