
AX020100 Economy Analog Valve Controller

0-5VDC, Potentiometer or 4-20 mA Input, 2A Output 

The controller simplifies control of proportional solenoids by supplying a current proportional to an input control (0-5 VDC or 10K potentiometer or 4-20 mA). It accepts power supply voltages from 9 to 32 VDC. This linear solenoid driver utilizes high-frequency switching output (PWM) to provide a DC current output. Maximum current output is 2 Amps. A current sensing circuit maintains output current regardless of changes in input voltage and coil resistance.

The user can adjust maximum and minimum current to suit the application. Dither frequency and amplitude are factory set. In this economy version of the connector controller there are no ramps. The unit is installed on a DIN rail.


  • Maximum current adjustment does not affect minimum current setting
  • Adjustments accessible with a removable cover
  • Broad range of supply voltage (9 to 32 VDC) with no degradation in performance
  • Current sensing circuit maintains output current regardless of changes in input voltage and coil resistance
  • Modern technology utilizing high-frequency switching output (PWM)
  • Energy efficient design (no heat sink is required)
  • Simple control with a 10K Potentiometer, 0-5 Vdc or 4-20 mA control signal
  • Maximum current output of 2 Amps
  • Conformal coated assembly
  • DIN rail mount
  • Electronic limiting circuit means no internal fuses
  • Short circuit proof (in case of solenoid failure or miswiring)
  • Reverse polarity protection
  • Can disconnect load while controller is powered (“Hot Swap”)


Spec Bulletin